Since 2009, the World AIDS Day Red Run has raised money in support of HIV services across the United Kingdom. It is a 10k/5k charity fun run and 5K walk hosted by PositiveEast.
Every year, usually the last Saturday of November, thousands of runners and HIV allies gather in Victoria Park, London.
“The Red Run is a joyful event. Whether you run, walk or just stand about, you’ll know you’re doing it for the essential case of drawing attention and raising funds for HIV organisations across the country. I’m really looking forward to it.”
Sir Ian McKellen (2019 guest of honour)
Help me raise money for Positively UK
The fight with HIV/AIDS is not over and that’s why I am supporting my friend at Positively UK, they do an amazing job supporting people living with HIV, please feel free to donate at this link:
Positively UK provides peer-led support, advocacy and information to everyone living with HIV to effectively manage any aspect of their diagnosis, care and life with HIV
Positively UK is a national organisation which aims to protect the health and well-being of people living with HIV by providing tailored peer support, promoting positive attitudes and equitable access to health for people living with HIV.
Positively UK advance education and research about health, particularly in relation to HIV and campaign against HIV discrimination, increasing the involvement, voice and visibility of people living with HIV in all aspects of life.

HIV is treatable and manageable
People on effective treatment for HIV cannot pass the virus on and they can expect to live as long as HIV negative people. There is also medication, called PrEP, that can be used to stop HIV negative people from getting HIV in the first place. Stigma, however, is still one of the biggest issues facing people living with HIV.